KISSB Provides a plugin to load a kotlin toolchain, configure a project with dependencies, then build and run.
It is still a work in progress, specially regarding IDE Support but already can demonstrate running a basic Kotlin Compose Multiplatform main.
To load the package:
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Then to init the kotlin toolchain with the default package version
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This plugin relies on the coursier plugin to resolve classpath dependencies
Configure sources and dependencies¶
Project configuration for Kotlin is following the convention of modules to which sources and dependencies belong to. Typically in a Maven or Gradle project, you will have a main and a test module, for main source code and tests.
Configuration in Kissb is explicit, which allows an easier understanding of build configuration, however it is up to the user to create or use some scripts that would setup the build with less explicit calls.
- Setup a new Module:
kotlin.module main
This call will register a new module, and also add required dependencies, like the kotlin stdlib
Add a source folder, for example following classic convention:
kotlin.sources.add main src/main/kotlin
Add dependencies using maven/gradle format. The Kotlin Plugin uses coursier in the background to resolve dependencies:
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kotlin.dependencies.compile main { org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.14.0 }
Generate Dokka documentation¶
To generate a Dokka documentation, just use the dokka generator on a module:
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IntelliJ Integration with Maven¶
To integrate with IntelliJ IDEA, the easiest way for now is to generate a maven configuration file which can easily be reloaded upon build file change.
To do so, you can use the package:
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Then create an "eclipse" target, for example:
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Call kissb eclipse
in the project folder to generate a pom.xml file
Maven Integration¶
Since the IntelliJ integration uses a Maven pom.xml file generation, you can easily run your build using maven.
At the moment there is no maven toolchain setup for KissB, but if maven is installed on your machine, you can just run mvn compile
after generating the maven config.